Saturday, January 31, 2009

adding to the ol' resume.....

since the staff at my office has changed recently, i have taken on a few new roles. certainly this is commonplace at any small office like mine, but some of the new tasks are a little out of my area of expertise.

for example, the guy who used to handle our IT and network issues is no longer with us. so, i've become the resident "IT guy" around the office, even though my knowledge is very basic.

last week, i removed and replaced the hard drive for a computer.

i had no idea what i was doing, but fortunately, as you can see from my goofy face in the hard drive, it was a success! now i have a new skill to add to my resume.

i feel like, although i'm not a real "IT guy" (since i know nothing about IT, nor am i a guy), i can now relate to some of their complaints. i get asked to fix some ridiculous problems.

i bet law firms are always looking for lawyers who know how to dismantle a computer, if for no other reason then to hide evidence.

who says lawyers are unethical?? ;)

- L

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

data privacy day.....

today is data privacy day, and since i work for an information security company, i feel obligated to remind you that this is the perfect time to make sure all of your personal information is secure. over 30 million americans have been victims of identity theft, and that number is increasing rapidly. it is a good idea to check your credit report every year and make sure there is no unusual activity. allows you to access your credit report once a year for free (unlike some of those other "free" sites that really make you sign up for something).

also, changing your passwords and pins annually is a good idea. and, although this doesn't necessarily have to do with identity theft, now is the perfect time to backup all your data on your computer. too often we put it off until our computers crash and then we wish we had done it sooner. all of those documents, pictures and files you have are important and possibly irreplacable (as I can personally attest to with my recent computer crash).

make sure you shred any old bills, credit card offers, etc....pretty much anything that has your name and address on it that you don't want to keep. it's amazing what information you can find digging in someone's trash, and how quickly it can all be put together to forge someone's identity.

i have many other tips to offer, but i'm off to celebrate data privacy day (and surely you are too!!). hope this is somewhat helpful. please let me know if you have any questions!!

- L

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


my car hit 111,111 miles the other day. i thought that was pretty cool, not only because its all ones, but because i've never had a car with that many miles.

yep, i took a picture of it while i was driving. it may be illegal to call or text while driving, but as far as i know its still legal to take pictures. or shave. or eat in your car.

can you sense my disdain for the new "no-call-while-driving-laws?"

what's even more amazing than hitting 111,111 miles is where i was going when my car reached this milestone.

to work.

yeah, guess that part's not that cool.

but 111,111 miles!!! matilda is turning into an old lady.

don't tell her i said that.

- L

Friday, January 2, 2009

this blog.....

i decided to create this blog after i realized i missed having a place to record my idiotic thoughts and imaginary adventures like i did in my other blog while preparing for the bar.

and, its a way for me to test out my wicked html skills, since i'm now the resident "IT guy" at my office. attorney-slash-techie, what a job.

my main hope for this blog is that it will inspire me to get out and do things, since no one wants to hear about how i sat on the couch last night and picked my nose. you?

so, that's it. check back later.

oh, and i'm fully aware that i'm using incorrect capitalization for like every other word in this blog. so, save your grammar critiques. :)

- L